Research Fellows
Chris Corr, Clemson University
Molly Harry, University of Florida
Lisa Rubin, Kansas State University
Amanda Paule-Koba, Bowling Green State University
Stacy Warner , East Carolina University
Joseph Cooper, University of Massachusetts - Boston
Robin Hardin, University of Tennessee
Matt Huml, University of Cincinnati
Jonathan A. Jensen, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Nels Popp, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Stephen Shapiro, University of South Carolina
Allison Smith, University of Massachusetts - Boston
Elizabeth Taylor, Temple University
Jordan Bass, University of Kansas
Dylan Williams, University of Alabama
James Johnson, Ball State University
Chad Seifried, Louisiana State University
Sarah Stokowski, Clemson University
Erianne Weight, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
The College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) Research Fellow designation recognizes researchers by honoring their achievement in college-sport related scholarship through CSRI and other outlets. The CSRI Research Fellow designation is intended to: (a) be one of distinction within and beyond academic communities and (b) encourage high standard of research related to college sport.
CSRI Fellows are determined by attaining the following minimum criteria:
In order to qualify for the CSRI Research Fellow, nominees must have published at least 15 refereed journal articles. Three (3) of the total refereed journal articles must be within the last 5 years, 5 of the total refereed journal articles must be published submissions in the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics (JIIA). Each CSRI Research Fellow must be first or solo author on at least 4 of their refereed journal articles, including at least one refereed publication in JIIA. Journal articles will “count” if they are published before February 15 of the year the applicant seeks CSRI Research Fellow status.
In order to qualify for the CSRI Research Fellow, nominees must have presented at least 20 refereed presentations. Four (4) of the total refereed presentations must be within the last 7 years, and 8 of the total refereed presentations must be presentations accepted and presented at a prior CSRI Conference.
Nominees who qualify are automatically designated as CSRI Research Fellows upon providing their required information to the CSRI Research Fellows Committee Chair and upon Committee verification/authentication of the record, as provided. List of qualifications (minimum criteria) and supporting materials (JIIA Pages; CSRI Program Pages) must be submitted using 8 1/2" by 11" paper format. Nominations must include the following:
List of Name, Rank and/or Title, Professional Affiliation, Research Areas/Interests, Address, Phone and Fax Numbers, and Email Address.
List publications in APA format. Attach a scanned copy of the JIIA "Table of Contents", as well as the first page of the article for each JIIA publication (pages from other journal articles are not required).
List presentations in APA format. Attach a scanned copy of the CSRI Program page containing your name and presentation title for CSRI Conference presentation (pages from other presentations not required).
Email all materials to the current CSRI Credentials Committee Chair (see below).
Credentials/materials will not be returned to applicants.
Credentials must be submitted electronically.
Credentials must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM (EST) on February 16 of the nominee’s induction year (induction to take place at annual CSRI Conference) to CSRI Research Fellows Committee Chair, Dr. Mark Nagel, by email at